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ARGument Annotation and Evaluation tooL

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ARGAEL: ARGument Annotation and Evaluation tooL

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ARGAEL is an open-source Java desktop application designed to provide flexibility and efficiency on the manual labeling and assessing of argumentative information at scale.

ARGAEL presents a number of novelties and advantages:


This work has been published in the journal SoftwareX, Volume 23, 2023, 101410, ISSN 2352-7110, Click here to access the latest version of the paper.

Keywords: Text annotation; Annotation software; Annotation evaluation; Argument extraction; Argument mining

System architecture

ARGAEL simple annotation view

The tool is composed of several internal modules, receives a number of files as inputs, and allows the user to generate annotations and their evaluations as outputs.


Please read the contributing and code of conduct documentation.

More documentation on ARGAEL can be found at the following link.


Created on Jun 29, 2022
Created by:


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.


This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-108965GB-I00).